Sick of hearing about the COVID 19?
Ten things to you can do while waiting to exhale …
1-Exhale – when was the last time we got to sit with ourselves and just think? My world has definitely slowed down and given me a time to just breathe out.
2-Pray/Meditate – What a great time to talk to God, the greater spirit, the universe, our inner spirit, that which connects us to the Greater Power.
3-Read a book. How often have you put a book aside to “read later” when you have more time? Now could very well be that time.
4-Binge on Netflix. Need I say more?
5-FaceTime a relative. This will give you something for which to dress up or make yourself look presentable at least from the shoulders up.
6-Check on your neighbor. Call them. They will appreciate you for thinking of them.
7-Enjoy nature – clean out your garden, take a walk, ride your bike. No need to stay in on sunny days. Just stay apart.
8-Finish up a home or craft project. We all have them. Some of those projects have been waiting for closure for years. Organize a closet.
9-Try out some new recipes. You may find it’s much better than take out. (And if you’re feeling guilty about not supporting your local restaurants, buy their gift cards for now – online if you can.)
10-Appreciate the quiet. I’ve started to decompress from all of the Social Media, billboards, chatter, traffic, simultaneous intrusions of the normal work day since working from home. I’m appreciating the option of silence.
These are my top ten picks for now. Please share yours. We’ll be happy to post them. Stay well!